Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Petri-Dish

For all you science students out there - a lovely metaphor. Although, since a metaphor is at home in the Arts discipline, I guess you are officially being excluded. Ah well, you've probably got work to do anyways. This is officially a distraction.
Everyone remembers that weird lull that came about after high school: the initial experiment in which people were thrown together, creating bonds, and explosive drama had reached a stand-still. It was the second during a breath in which there is no air in your body, and you are waiting.
Of course, we have obviously now entered "the real world" and begun something outside this experiment; outside the neat petri dish. 
In the course of corresponding with those still living in that flat plastic bubble I have come to the realization that they have all remained in the delirium of the summer. Absolutely nothing has changed, and while, yes, this must be considered sad-bordering-on-pathetic, it's also just plain weird. How is it that someone can leave a city for months and come back to find nothing changed? Personally, upon my return my friends will still be dating the same people, playing the same video games, and living in the same basements. The fabled "year off", I think it should be known from here on out as the "same thing".
The expectation that if you change, if you remain in constant motion, particles vibrating at high frequency, that those around you will too is not wrong. I had just forgotten that I moved - I moved on, we moved on - and they - did not. I'm hoping they will, mostly because it weirds me out to think of an entire social group remaining stagnant. And I, um, care about the well-being of the basement-livers too... they're like my lovely collection of science student friends, but with less purpose.
And on that note, the case of the petri dish is closed.

1 comment:

Stephen M said...

Yet to realize that University is just a bigger dish, before being plunged into the pond of real life...