Friday, September 11, 2009


Ohh BTS. In Vancouver it's greeted by intermittent rain and sun, falling leaves, and a general quaint-ness in the air.
I have always felt like Back-to-School is the beginning of a season. Ok, yes, September is the technical beginning of autumn, so what?! But anyways, it's not just the beginning of the "fall" season, but also something that happens more in the mind. The gears seem to click from summer laziness into a larger focus, things start to happen. Having classes gives everyone a sense of purpose greater than a random summer job, or sitting on the couch watching really bad MTV, but it also gives everyone a sense of wanting to do something. People want relationships, they want friendships, they want to start in with clubs, and, I think, people want to feel as though they are a part of something.
Now, I'm not sure if the sense of purpose is just an off-shoot of starting school, the epitome of "purpose", at the same time every year since we can remember, or if it's the physical seasonal change. Most likely, it's a combination of both. I mean, after four months of sitting around, dozing in the sun, and reading crappy vampire teen books, there's a bit of a snap, and that "if I don't do something I might actually go insane". But also, as the hot weather tapers off and we can't laze on the beach, it seems appropriate we find other ways to keep warm. We join things, we meet people, we do.

However, the initial hustle is dying down, and I can feel a burn out coming on. My housemates and I are sleepier in the mornings, we're more tired at night. Perhaps we're just adjusting, or perhaps the summer was just too good to us.

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